Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day 1

Last night was somewhat interesting. It turns out that the hotel I was staying in is directly across fom a club which plays loud music on outdoor speakers! While I was puttering around waiting to get tired enough to pass lout, I opened the fridge to discovered that it hadn't been cleaned since the last occupants left beer wine and liquor in it. Odd.

Next morning I was out by seven and asking a helpful lady on the beach to get a photo of me. Not a great shot, but still, it's the Atlantic! After that I was off... into a terrible headwind...all day long. My progress was not what I'd hoped for, but I still got to my first official end point (Smyrna) which is where I'm typing this. I'll probably go on a few miles and find somewhere to camp out.

One final note: I weighed myself twice before this trip began. Both measurements were within a couple pounds of 190. It will be interesting to see what it is when I finish! I'm off!


  1. Hey, Tom. You wouldn't happen to have a planned route map up somewhere, would you?

    Good luck!


  2. Like, does it look something like the Google Maps biking directions?,+Kent,+Delaware&daddr=half+moon+bay,+ca&hl=en&geocode=FfqqVwIdV11--ylJZt6g2HDHiTE7zRHwi_fDTw%3BFQCmOwIdVuOz-CkLyxkKpQuPgDFUm-c1yJz9Xg&mra=ls&dirflg=b&sll=39.707187,-99.052734&sspn=60.025602,80.15625&ie=UTF8&ll=40.369566,-80.112305&spn=1.893725,2.504883&z=9&lci=bike


  3. Badass picture. That is truly awesome.

  4. To know just where the trail doth lead
    Is more important far, than speed.
    No toilsome journey daunts the soul
    When vision sees a worthwhile goal.

    /skeebo (gs)
