Meet (From right to left) Bill, and Deborah, one of their granddaughters Cheyenne, their son's girlfriend Joy, and their son, Joe. Also, their two dogs Sydney and Millie (for the City in Australia, and for the Millenium).
Waking up this morning, I got off to a start with good weather and made fine time. Soon, I took my turn northward to skirt Los Angeles, which put me in beautiful country, with mountains on both sides, fairly flat land all around, clouds in the sky, and pretty rock formations. Despite a headwind, I made good time, although my left quad did start bothering me again (in the long run, I'm not concerned as it's muscle tissue, but it is making things more interesting in the short run.)
The shoulder was alright, if a bit thin in some areas, and it was great to be back in civilization, where there were regular stops I could take advantage of if need be. I even picked up some fresh fruit (JOY!!!) early in the day at a shop that carried some.
I was really trying to take it easy, and almost overdid it, worrying about making it to Apple Valley before darkness set in. As I was getting near, a car pulled up ahead of me, and a man got out with a bottle of water to offer me. We got to chatting, and I met his wife and granddaughter. After a bit of talking about the trip, I was invited to their house for the evening. Incredible people! Those that were present are in the picture at the beginning of this post. The warmth and friendliness I felt was immense, and the outgoing nature of the family brought to mind home and my own families somewhat outgoing nature. We discussed everything from books to religion to dog intelligence to biking. A great experience! Of course, the long conversations will probably lead to a late start tomorrow, but with about 130 miles or so to go, I'm not overly concerned, and taking it easy on the quad is becoming a must.
Hello Tom. :-)
ReplyDeleteI am glad you are at least "attempting" to take it easy, now that you are in the high desert. I am now familiar with the landscapes you have been bicycling through the last several days, and am thoroughly enjoying crawling along your route by close-view Google Maps, jumping down to street-level view now and then to see what you were talking about in your blogs. It is fun to guess what your future route is. We all look forward to seeing you soon, either late tonight or some time tomorrow probably. Excitement is in the air! :-)
Aunt Polly
First glance at that photo made me think you were at Aunt Heidi and Uncle Dave's house! ...and reading parts of the post made me check again to make sure you hadn't Photoshopped the photo...
ReplyDeleteIt's awesome that there are so many people that are friendly, giving and helpful, and awesome that you are getting to experience that.
I can't believe how far you've biked, Tom. I want to visit Athens this summer, and I think I'd like to bike it. When you get some time to sit around and rest, you will have to call or email me with tips.
By the way, one of the first things I noticed when I came home were the pile of maps spread out on the living room coffee table where Dad and Mom have been following you across the US. Very cool!
My husband wanted me to let you know that we've been following your journey west since he met you at the McDonald's in Louisburg, Kansas. He was with my son and some Boy Scouts. We are excited to see you are almost at your journey's end. Good luck with those last few miles and congratulations.
ReplyDeleteIt was a true pleasure to add you to our family last evening. I hope my "mothering" you didn't bother you too much. You ALMOST snuck out silently, but I'm so glad that you decided to wake me up so we could share breakfast together. I have been praying for you all day and was excited to see the newest post. The end is in sight!!!
Bill says that he sure wished there had been more time to spend with you (i agree!) because you are such an interesting person! (again...I agree!)
Cycle forth safely!