Saturday, May 8, 2010

Here's Dewey!

I made it to Dewey Beach a bit later than expected, so the parents got me a hotel for the night so I can wake up well rested. The beach is right next to the hotel, so I'm fortunate tourism season hasn't started yet or the prices would be even worse!

The drive down was pretty windy, but the weather looks like it will be fine (if still a bit windy) tomorrow. The most intimidating part was having to drive from WV to the east coast. Traveling by van so far that I got tired just sitting there going 70 miles an hour was a strong reminder of just how far I'm going.

The first trickles of kids out of college have already descended, so here's hoping it's not too loud and I get a good night's sleep. If all goes as planned, tomorrow should be a warmup ride of 55 miles or so north on route 1 and US-13 to Smyrna, Delaware.


  1. Have fun Tom! And be careful :)

  2. Katie (the sister)May 9, 2010 at 12:17 AM

    Don't forget to stretch every once in a while!

    When you get bored with the road and trees and such, you should think about what you'd like to eat when you reach my city.

  3. Tom won't have net access every day, but may call in events. He says he made it to Smyrna, Delaware, today, May 9, with a brisk headwind all day. It looks like he biked about 60 miles - a good start for day 1.

  4. Tom!
    I wish I had realized you had started your trip. I could hem made the short trip down to Dewey to see you off :) Since I live under a rock, I'm just now reading your blog, but it looks like things are going pretty well. I hope my little home state of Delaware gave you a good send off. Good luck and be safe!
    Caitlin Hartman
